Why if endangered........?
As things stand the biggest killer of salmon on our local rivers and estuary's is the angling effort . Yes the kill will be "incidental " the result of "playing " the fish for the sport , however that kill in some circumstances will be very significant.
With the recent closure of all E.A .Severn estuary traditional salmon fisheries for 10 years (The end of that then ) you really do have to question why angling for salmon is allowed on the scale it is . Long season ,no catch limit ,unlimited number of anglers ?????
The season is over 7 months long and at the back end (ends on the wye & usk 17th Oct. )......most fish caught will be ready to spawn ,heavy with egg / milt .........all for sport.
With the state of our rivers they are lucky to have got this far ,surely they should now be left in peace.
