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Licence fee increase..again
Once again NRW seek to increase traditional fishermen's licence fees . We pay for a full licence and get a season reduced by...

37000 face book followers
Amazing interest from all around the world and our Face book follower's have smashed through the 37000 mark .

36 ,000 Facebook followers...........
Our Black rock lave net fishery page has become a great success with interest from all around the world . We will continue to share our...

A report published in the Guardian newspaper reports that the World wildlife fund ( WWF ) allegedly shelved a report exposing river Wye...

35000 Facebook followers !
Our Black rock lave net fishery FB page has certainly taken off and has followers from all around the world . An eclectic mix of posts...

The River USK
Save the river Usk tested the out flow discharge of "treated " sewage from the Brecon treatment plant back in the summer . What came back...

ONLY ABOUT 178 TONNES of marine life per year......
The Environment agency has just removed a requirement for EDF to install an acoustic fish deterent from it's cooling water system on the...

Huge interest still from all over the world in our FB page. Hard to belive the interest this page has generated and the contact we have...

A shocking state
Black rock lave net fishermen kayaked the river Wye between Glasbury and Whitney last week and were shocked at the state of the river ....

31,000 face book followers............
Huge interest from around the world has seen our facebook page reach the 31,000 followers mark . This apparently is very good for a page...
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