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Merry Christmas !
2020 has not been the best year for many reasons..........That said we are alive and kicking and hopeful that 2021 will bring a more...

A significant find
The whole Severn estuary valley was once land interlaced with streams and forest. Man lived ,fished and hunted in the valley. From time...

Low tide find !
Throughout the year some of our lave net fishermen spend lot's of time on the estuary . A second home for some ! From time to time we...

Page 3 of our objection
Page 3 of our 3 page objection to NRW proposed licence fee increase

Page 2 of our objection to NRW licence fee increase
Page 2 of our 3 page objection

Another nail in the coffin of our fishery
Natural Resources Wales propose another increase in our fishery's licence fee..........We now pay £632 for the group ( Increased last...

Life and death
We found this dead salmon out on the severn estuary at low tide. A cock fish ,hopefully he did his job on the river but is now food for...

Autumn Cod
The Severn estuary cod fishing has been hit and miss this year but every now and then a few good fish turn up. These were taken by Marin...
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