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Closing of sections of our seas to "Help stocks recover " is in vogue at the moment.......Nursery areas , sanctuary's all buzz words used to cloud the real issues out there .

Here's a very recent example of what then happens to those "Saved fish " . A few weeks ago a Beam trawler ,the biggest in the Newlyn fleet (She has been there since 2021 ) landed a port record of fish , over £85,0000 worth . The catch included 134 boxes of dover sole......taken off the north Cornish coast . These are fish which would move in and out of the Bristol channel and it's approaches .

This Beamer is 500 tonnes and drags two huge beams with trailing chain across the sea bed . In our view a most destructive method of fishing smashing up all before it .

Boats of this size and the fishing method are the real issues but of course difficult ones to address .............So obviously an easier route will be chosen (to protect fish ) and justified , consequently little will change regarding stocks.........nice work if you can get it .



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