Second class citizen's ?
EQUALITY.................A big word in today's society .
Black rock Lave net fishermen and salmon anglers a fishing season comparison .
Season ( On paper ) Lave net fishermen . 3 months , 1st June - 31st August , no fishing on weekends . In 1999 , 60 % of our season which once began early February was removed by the E.A. "To protect salmon stocks " This reduced season was never returned even when the lave net fishery had "Catch & release " imposed on it from the 2020 season .as NRW ruled taking a maximum of 5 salmon a season from the severn estuary was a threat to salmon stocks......
Season for Salmon anglers.
River Severn .
1st Feb .- 7th October . 7 days a week . C & R .
Rivers Usk & Wye .
3rd March - 17th October . 7 days a week . C& R .
Not much equality there then .......
