A river Usk report
Salmon Angling interests and NRW have compiled a report on the river usk for the 2022 season concluding the appx. salmon catch will be around 100 fish.
Dead and dying salmon throughout the catchment as there was on the river Wye.
Recruitment (young salmon ) also reported by NRW to be down again.
And yet the anglers on this river continue to target these fish and even during the seasons drought continued to fish for them just as soon as water temp rose a little............
Yes , apparently catch & release but with river conditions as they were no one can argue that a good percentage of these fish did not survive the ordeal of capture to spawn.
Surely if things are this bad on the river Usk the fishery should be closed for 10 years as Usk fishery interests argued should happen to the few surviving putcher and draft net salmon fisheries of the upper severn . ( Now closed for 10 years ,never to return )
Perverse really that these usk fishery interests continue to sell salmon fishing ....will they continue until there are no salmon left on the river............
