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COMMON SENSE ..................

The net house /visitor  hut we built in 2005

Here,s a few ideas to improve stock on rivers .

1/ Look at the Wye foundations river restoration and fund raising work and copy.

2/ BAILIFFS . Employ more ,bring retired /redundant bailiffs in to train "river people " people who don't just want to work 9-5 and do not mind getting their hands dirty . Engage river / estuary folk to help guard against poaching / pollution.

3/ Control in a meaningful way predators of stock .

4/ Stop banging the same drum regarding "controls " bring in new blood with fresh ideas.

5/ If salmon hatchery's are such a bad idea why is the Kieder hatchery such a great success ?????

6/ If new licences are granted to abstract water from our rivers ensure the abstraction cannot take place in drought conditions ( provision to store water when rivers are in spate)

7/ Map ever discharge point on every river and find who discharges into it .Hard to believe this is not the case now ..........

Just a few ideas , but hey who are we..........

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