Waiting for the Spring tides

The second set of spring tides were eagerly awaited, however despite reasonable weather and several sightings of salmon, the total was only increased by one fish, a "botcher" (small salmon) of 6lb.
On the non fishing front, Facebook has been a success and Matt Fox one of the youngsters in the group, has taken charge of this with his smart phone! We wonder what the old timers would have made of this.
We have been asked to exhibit at the Royal Welsh Show for two days which is an honour and we look forward to it. Another highlight of the week was being filmed by a drone, this film will be shown when we exhibit/demonstrate lave netting at the National Eisteddfod. The Drone gave the fishermen another excuse for not catching/missing fish "The fish were frightened by the drone"!
We are now in a period of Neap tides and cannot access the salmon fishing areas so we must wait until 4th July for a suitable tide . Hope the weather is ok!