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A River Wye crisis
Our Black rock lave net fishermen have been spending plenty of time this season on the river Wye and are witnessing an absolute car crash...

As the remaining salmon struggle
Apparently anglers have now been asked to stop fishing for salmon on our local rivers due to high water temps.......with little water ,...

All coming home to roost
Once again a dry spell and our rivers are running dry. Little flow low oxygen levels compounded by pollution . The result dead salmon ....

prolific poacher last.
Perhaps the REAL QUESTION here is why it took our "River Guardians " Natural Resources Wales..... SEVEN YEARS...... to discover this...

A NRW " success " !
Due to the further 2022 NRW catch restrictions (Habitat regulations assessment conclude we are a threat to salmon stocks ) on the last...

Twenty four thousand
Black rock lave net fishery's Facebook page has surged past the 24,000 followers mark . There is now world wide interest in our lives ,...

Sammy and the gang making an impact on salmon stocks
Good old ecology . Sammy and the gang really have the bit between their teeth down on the river wye this week . Seems like a few are...

A Wye kayak trip
Black rock lave net fishermen teamed up with our local kayak club for the two day kayak trip on the weekend down the Wye from Whitney to...

23,000 Face book followers
Another surge of interest from all around the world has seen followers of our FB page surge past the 23,000 mark . Quite amazing interest...

Great to welcome the team from S4C Cynefin to Black rock . Filming in the area they popped down to visit our lave net fishery during the...
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