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A river Usk report
Salmon Angling interests and NRW have compiled a report on the river usk for the 2022 season concluding the appx. salmon catch will be...

River Severn salmon angling season begins
This season begins on 1st February and runs to 7th October........Black rock lave net fishermen with their reduced season will have to...

Second class citizen's ?
EQUALITY.................A big word in today's society . Black rock Lave net fishermen and salmon anglers a fishing season comparison ....

28, 000 Face book followers !
Not bad for a bunch of lave netters . World wide interest in our page has seen a steady increase in followers . 28,000 is pretty good for...

Lets wait and see
Now that NRW admit that there is a phosphate issue on the river Wye it will be interesting to see which way the Welsh government jump...

News released over the Christmas period by the ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Great time to do this of course ) cynical in the extreme . The targets...

Merry Christmas
A merry Christmas to all that take a positive interest in our web site and facebook page . Rest assured we will continue to publish our...

Found out
EXPOSED BY FISH LEGAL . A report uncovered by a Fish Legal lawyer but not publicised or shared by N.R.W. contradicts previous denials...

27,000 facebook followers
One thing is for sure our facebook page is a great success with positive interest from all around the world. We will continue to build...

Chicken farms..........
BBC 1 Wales Monday night and now on I player . "What's killing our rivers " BBC 1 Wales investigates . Apparently Powys , Wales is now...
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