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SAD TIMES..............
1st June 2020 should be the 1st day of our season........Our centenary season. That will not be . We are devestated ....... Natural...

Our Black rock lave net fishermen have features in today's national press . Wales on Sunday news paper featured a full page spread on our...

Auroch !
Our lave net fishermen have made a most incredible find out on our Severn estuary . After an unusual summer blow a patch of ground had...

CLEARANCE almost complete....
It has taken decades but the Severn estuary , rivers Severn , wye & Usk have been cleared of traditional salmon fishing. Some of these...

Blame game.............
Natural resources Wales in our opinion use a mix of truths and half truths and misleading information in their press releases. Unless...

Habitat Regulation Assessment..........
This is the tool Natural Resources wales are using to undermine our fishery. they have taken one out for the first time in 100 years on...

Our Petition.
Our petition against further catch restrictions imposed on our fishery is underway. Not the best time for a petition in the middle of a...

Weatherman Walking !
BBC Wales tonight . Derek Brockway visits our lave net fishery . Once again putting our corner of Wales & monmouthshire on the map ....

An online petition
Today we launched our 3rd petition in 20 years."Save Black rock lave net heritage fishery " This can be found online at 38 degrees or on...

End of days
The NRW fisheries division led by ex Environment agency personnel will not rest until this last traditional salmon fishery is closed. We...
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