Very little reward
The boys fished hard all week for little reward. Days off work booked and work rescheduled. A few salmon missed and only one caught, again a "Botcher" of 5lb in the Gut on Saturday at 5.45 (we cannot fish after 6am on Saturday until 6am Monday by law).

The mooring chain for our boat Salar 2 was found to be damaged and had to be replaced, God forbid we loose our boat!
Friday morning fishing at 4.30 am was like the middle of winter. Rob Evans and Martin were caught in a squall on
returning from the hole with winds gusting to 20mph, a hairy moment.

Richard Morgan exhibited lave netting at the Gwent Wildlife Trust Magor Marsh open day, supporting our local shows. The rain held off and he had a good day. The "guess what's in the box" was a great hit with the kids! No salmon fishing now until 18th July due to the neap tides.