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What an Estuary
At last a settled forecast for some fishable neap tides .A long run west to Portishead hoping the forecast was right ! and the cod were...

Just a look around
Calm spring tides over the Christmas break enabled Richard and Martin to have a few hours out on the estuary in the small boat . A stroll...

Fish traps off sudbrook
Recent storms have uncovered even more ancient fish traps / baskets on our lave net fishing grounds. Fishing here was once a valuable...

Season celebration
An evening sat around the fire with a few beers and a meal for the boys . Tales of fish caught and missed. Good luck bad , luck rough...

Last tide of the season
As if on queue the wind arrived with the last spring tide. The s/west 20mph wind held up the ebbing tide and gave us no chance of seeing...

cracking tide.
A good turnout for the penultimate tide .All fished the Gut (due to the smallish tide ) No salmon . Four of the boys then spent a couple...

Champion raffle ticket seller
Thanks Joe , you did a great job for the team !

Lave net training !
Richard morgan chief lave net trainer ! Rich was kept very busy at our open day

Doug Brown shield 2016
Tim Bevan receives his trophy for the Biggest salmon of the season taken in the Gut , a fine 15lb fish . Presented by Dorothy Brown.

Open Day !
The fishery open day was once again a great success supported locally and from far and wide. The weather gods were kind and despite...
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