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An average of 6 salmon per season.......
As decision makers have been advised to look at our web site in a recent virulent attack on our fishery by an ex . E.A official who now...

Decision makers miss led
Persons..... with their own agendas have for years tried to mislead decision maker as to the traditional salmon fishing effort on the...

2008 .A defining year in the history of our lave net fishery.
As folk have been asked to look at our web site , see previous blog........ By all means please check out our face book page to for a...

With the attack on our fishery in the evidence of the forthcoming "catch & release " p
It has been suggested by the individual in his evidence which blatently attacks us that people look at our web site....... Perhaps they...

An Amazing attack on our lave net fishery !! by ex. E.A. official
The public inquiry on catch & release for salmon in wales is about to begin ( 15th Jan ) we have been sent the evidence that will be...

A public inquiry...........
The minister for rural affairs has requested a public inquiry over NRW request for "total catch and release for all salmon in Wales " We...

2007/2008 very eventful years in our recent history ............
An iconic picture of seven salmon which featured in the western mail that year . The minister for rural affairs Elin Jones was looking at...

the Wye river mouth ...........different river same plastic
Our fishermen were up at the mouth of the Wye and much the same as the Usk mouth ,a sea of plastic waste . Criminal !

The plastic menace
Another year and its pretty much the same outside the mouth of the river usk . Plastic bottle and other items by the thousand in clear...

Keeping an eye on the fishing grounds out of season
A part of the lave net fishing is to watch the estuary out of season . We are a presence there & further afield throughout the year (and...
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