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Our lave netting dates for 2019
Here are the dates for the new season . fishing normally lasts between 1 & 2 hours depending on the weather & tide . The Black rock...

Our new boat refurbished for the season
Our lave netting boat has now been refurbished with less than two weeks to go before the first fishable tides . There are endless jobs to...

St Fagans museum of Welsh life
Once again our lave net fishermen has been asked to exhibit at St fagans . We are always very proud to do this . We first did this over...

Preparing our boat for the new season
As his Great grandfather did before him , martin preparing the boat we use to access the lave net fishing grounds prior to the new season...

The Ancient mariners soup bowl ......perhaps
Mudlarking whilst walking the low tide fishing grounds out of season is something we have done for years. Every now and then we find...

Face book
2000 people now like our facebook page !!!!! Amazing . We try to keep it interesting with our lives on the estuary all built around our...

Mud larking
Whilst out on the estuary at low tide in the close season keeping an eye on things ,collecting bait etc we often find many things of...

Silver bars !
As the seasons change a few weeks on these before our lave netting season begins . The 1st of the season .

Royal Welsh show 2019 !
Our fishermen have once again been asked to exhibit at this prestigious event in July . It will be an honor to do so . We will be there...

Our new boat and trailer
Paul & Martin travelled down to Teignmouth to pick up the "New " boat and trailer . She is a cracking little boat and will serve us well...
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